








1.   Lou, Huiqing; Han, Wanli; Wang, Xinhou*, Numerical Study on the Solution   Blowing Annular Jet and Its Correlation with Fiber Morphology,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY   RESEARCH,53(7),2830–2838,2014

2.   Lou, Huiqing; Li, Wentao; Li, Chulin; Wang, Xinhou*, Systematic investigation   on parameters of solution blown micro/nanofibers using response surface   methodology based on Box-Behnken design,JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,130(2),1383-1391, 2013

3.   Wang, Yudong;Wang, Xinhou*,Numerical Analysis of New Modified Melt-Blowing   Dies for Dual Rectangular Jets, POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,54(1),110-116, 2014

4.   Han, Wanli; Nurwaha, Deogratias; Li, Chulin; Wang, Xinhou*, Free Surface   Electrospun Fibers:The Combined Effect of Processing Parameters , POLYMER   ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,54(1),189-197,   2014

5.   Nurwaha, Deogratias; Han, Wanli; Wang, Xinhou*, Effects of processing   parameters on electrospun fiber morphology,JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE,104( 4),419-425,2013

6.   Wang, Yudong; Wang, Xinhou*, Investigation on a New Annular Melt-Blowing Die   Using Numerical Simulation,INDUSTRIAL   & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,52(12),4597-4605,2013

7.   Nurwaha, Deogratias; Wang, Xinhou*,The Use of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference   Systems and Support Vector Machines Techniques for Evaluation of Electrospun   Nanofiber Diameter,JOURNAL   OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE,10(3),637-642,2013

8.   Nurwaha, Deogratias; Wang, Xinhou*, Optimization of electrospinning process   using intelligent control systems,JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,24(3),593-600,2013

9.   Xin, Sanfa; Wang, Xinhou*, Mechanism of Fiber Formation in Melt Blowing,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY   RESEARCH , 51(32), 10621-10628,2012

10.   Xin, Sanfa; Wang, Xinhou*, Shear flow of molten polymer in melt blowing,POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, 52(6),1325-1331,2012

11.   Han, Wanli; Wang, Xinhou*, Multi-Objective Optimization of the Coat-hanger   Die for Melt-blowing Process,F(xiàn)IBERS   AND POLYMERS, 13(5), 626-631, 2012

12.   Han, Wanli; Wang, Xinhou*,Optimal Geometry Design of the Coat-Hanger Die with   Uniform Outlet Velocity and Minimal Residence Time,JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,123(4),2511-2516,2012

13.   Sun, Yafeng; Wang, Xinhou*,Optimal   geometry design of the melt-blowing slot die with high stagnation temperature   via the orthogonal array method and numerical simulation, JOURNAL OF THE   TEXTILE INSTITUTE, 102(1),65-69, 2011

14.   孫曉霞;王新厚*, 濺射式規(guī)模化靜電紡絲法的工藝參數(shù)優(yōu)化, 東華大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào),37(2),158-161,2011

15.   Sun, Yafeng; Zeng, Yongchun;Wang, Xinhou*,Three-Dimensional Model of Whipping Motion in the Processing of   Microfibers, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH , 50(2),1099-1109,   2011

16.   Tang, Shan; Zeng, Yongchun; Wang, Xinhou*, Splashing Needleless   Electrospinning of Nanofibers, POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE,50(11),2252-2257,2010

17.   Sun, Yafeng; Wang, Xinhou*,Optimization   of Air Flow Field of the Melt Blowing Slot Die via Numerical Simulation and   Genetic Algorithm, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,115(3),1540-1545,2010

18.   Meng K, Wang XH*, Huang XB ,Optimal   Design of the Coat-Hanger Die Used for Producing Melt-Blown Fabrics by Finite   Element Method and Evolution Strategie,POLYMER   ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, 49(2 ), 354-358,2009

19.   Wang, X. H*. Kainuma, M. Bao, L. M. Nakazawa, M. A novel approach for   evaluating the air permeability of Airbag fabrics,TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL, 76 (1),   66-70, 2006

20.   Wang, X. H*. Chen, T. Huang, X. B. Simulation of the polymeric fluid flow in   the feed distributor of melt blowing process ,JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 101(3), 1570-1574,2006




3、連續(xù)高效納米纖維非織造布的制備方法和生產(chǎn)裝置, ZL200810039299.6

4、并列雙組份復(fù)合多孔型中空立體卷曲纖維的制備,ZL 98111067.3



7、非接觸式紗線橫動(dòng)卷繞張力動(dòng)態(tài)檢測(cè)裝置,ZL 200920070048.4

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